In da house
Geraldtown church
Kalbarri cliffs, going further to the north, the views are getting better
First flirt with da red earth in Kalbarri
Trying to get the dinner
Canoeing, looking for some dolphins in Shark Bay, et même pas peur du shark!
Sunset on Shark Bay
Sunrising, a pelican for the breakfast !?!
Jeannine Dundee
A wild dolphin family in da shallow water comes to get fed every morning, magic Monkey Mia. And some babies playing at our toes.
Shell Beach, no sand, only billions of tiny shells making the whitest beach ever
Carnarvon, one of the biggest city during the trip : 9 000 habitants !
Da Cox
Je t'enmène?
Breakfast, getting energy to get to da next step
Snorkelling on da Ningaloo reef at Paradise Beach, amazing. Wanna stay there.
Da Paradise Beach...
Da turtle...
..and da shark hunter among the fishes, a few minutes after have swimmed with 2 sneacky reef sharks.
BBQ on da beach
Yardee Creek in Cape Range NP near Exmouth, looking for black feets kangaroos
Yardee end in da Indian Ocean, and in the background the breacking waves show the reef barrier
Turquoise Bay, beware of the bloody flies. But in da ocean, meeting with some tropical fishes and rays, swimming with a turtle and taking a breath together. Wonderful.
... and da trendyvan above the kangaroos (click on the picture if you can not see them)
Sunrising after Chuck Norris woke us up, yes there are Rangers in Australia to avoid campers to camp anywhere, but nicer than in France. Kes ke vous faites là ?
Da Exmouth prawn
On da road again, out of the road, getting to a place to spend the night
Bigger shells on 80 miles beach
Magic Cable Beach in Broome, but red flag after a short bath, cause of the deadly jellyfishes. It was 36°C, fuck sake!!
Fortunately, it was OK in city beach where we find out Oussama, taking a bath among the tourists, sure he's forecasting something, probably in France for the summer cause it's the winter soon down here.
Pearl diver
Japanese cemetery, only pearl divers dead during a dive.
Tiny baobab on city beach, still in Broome.
Broome "Chinatown"
On da road again...


Still some km to travel through...

River crossing with da trendyvan

Entering in the wild Kimberley, just for a few Km to get to Emma Gorges
Here we are
and here I am, so good!
Walking in da bush
Next step, da grotto
Nice but not to swim, not enough water flowing, looks crap.
Kunnunura, very aboriginal land...
...crocodiles or not crocodiles, dat's da question
Higher in Kunnunura
Lake Argyle, huge.
Little rest in a picnic area near the lake, before to get to da Northern Territory.
Definitely in da north, beware anytime, anywhere!!
Australia is burning, eagles are chasing the snakes.
Katherine, we deserve a bath in a 32°C water flowing from the source, the Katherine Hot Springs... and a massage by the water fall.
No comment !
Katherine "Crocodiles" gorges, we knew that was safe to swim but it stayed scaring. Once on the other side, I met the sign. Have a look. During the crossing my eart was getting crazy.
Da religious mint, I'm not sure of the name in english, but it landed on our van and get coshed for a while. Huge insect in'it! That's a big lighter beside.
Snake on the rocks
Edith falls
Before da bath...
Here she is...
Glad to be alive
Road Train : kangooroos & cows serial killer
L'homme du Bush, never ever forget it after the sunset
Wonderful Wangi falls in'it! But infested of crocodiles, so no swimming. Let's go to the next.
An other great fall but inaccessible.
Finally a swimming spot, Florence falls is crocodiles free !
Here I am, under the water fall
Manhattan thermites mound, amaaaaaaaaaaaazing!
Da riverwater crocodiles, "il est gentil"..
..and da sneacky saltie, the saltwater crocodile which like human flesh. Pas gentil.
Other bad ass!
Great, let's get a drink in da drive in bottle shop, we're in Darwin, such a city.

Aussie humour probably

Darwin sunset

De l'eau de l'air la vie
Wine, foie gras and "bread", we deserve it, we're done.