Friday, February 26, 2010
Next G flashlight

tamtam flash takes its user by the hand and on a playful discovery tour, just like a local that shows him around, but pocked-sized and always there. tamtam flash resembles a flash light, it lights its user the way and helps him feel secure in a foreign environment. But instead of lighting the dark with a cone of light, it projects navigation information on the user’s path and thus generates an immediate, intuitive way of navigation. In case the user gets lost, he can project a usual map on any surface. This map is zoomable and scrollable like any digital map.
By turning the "aperture”, the user chooses between the two navigation modes or, in map mode, zooms in and out of the map. Additionally, tamtam flash is able to read QR tags. These tags, placed at points-of-interests, can be aimed at with the "tamtam flash” and thus additional information about that location will be displayed.

Here is a concept device we kinda like.The idea with this projector style GPS navigation system is that is projects navigation information on users’ path or when switched to other mode it can simply project the map on surface so you can orient yourself.
Apparently it can also read those QR tags which sometimes contain location information to a concert, bar, etc.
So go and get lost! Experience the place you are travelling to! And don’t forget your camera, you might come across some things you won’t find on a postcard!
by designaffairs STUDIO
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Turn spilling into poetry...

Via @designboom, a tablecloth that reveals a hidden pattern when wet. Underfull is a conceptual piece that draws on the idea that negative situations should be turned into a positive experience. "Bjaadal believes that this creates stories and can contribute in giving the products sentimental value - important in a society where we seem to have an increasingly superficial relations to the objects we surround ourselves with."
Underfull - the tablecloth that turns spilling into poetry from Kristine Bjaadal on Vimeo.
By Mike, Mocoloco