Monday, April 12, 2010

Julia fairwell @ White Beach

As any performance, it started with a good comfortable rest

Mountain in front of a mountain in front of us

Girl resting comfortably

Arriving at destination


Tanduay rhum drinkers


Big Brother

40pesos sunnies (65cents in euro)

Next day, the sun seems so close. Watch out for dehydration!


Put da lime in da coconut...

Newly arrived in the Philippines, discovering the consequences of drinking liters of extremely cheap Tanduay rhum under the sun

Doggy on a table

Dog sucking a finger

Gathering of French speaking people in the Philippines


Da Erick!



Standing man on his boat

Standing man on his boat overtaking

U Beach

Father & Son racing on their boat

People watching something sceptically

Man eating a sandwich with a british towel on his shoulder!


kanakikou said...

It does not look easy, hang on, this is a passage, it will be better afterwards. Good luck.

Nico said...

T'as vu Kikoo comment on souffre. On t'attends, viens nous sortir de là!!!

Anonymous said...

Bande de veinards!souffrir comme ça je veux bien!!je crois que je vais venir m'installer avec vous!! BIZZZZZZ MUM